ERP, SCM, & CRM Software Expert Witness: Software/System Defects and Failures
Brooks Hilliard has completed more than 200 consulting engagements relating to the selection and implementation of ERP, CRM, SCM and other business-related applications. His ERP expert witness (and ERP-related) engagements have included matters dealing with system reliability, software defects and system implementation for all of the following types of systems:
- Enterprise Requirements Planning (ERP)
- Supply Chain management (SCM)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Manufacturing
- Distribution
- Service (including professional services)
- Human Relations
- Government and not-for-profit administration
- And other business-related applications.
See the software and system defects and/or implementation failures pages for brief descriptions for some of Mr. Hilliard’s cases.
Business Automation also provides information technology and management consulting services to business, government and not-for-profit enterprises.