Commitment to Professional Ethics

From its founding in 1980 Business Automation and its principal consultant, Brooks Hilliard, have refused to undertake projects that could create either real or perceived conflicts of interest.

  • In situations where prior projects might be perceived as creating bias, Business Automation provides full transparency, such that the potential client can make its own decision on whether or not to engage the firm.
  • Business Automation also declines projects for which its capabilities are not appropriate and discloses the limits of its capabilities in all cases where any question might be raised in this regard.
  • Client and case confidentiality is a paramount concern in all engagements, even when there is no requirement to sign a protective order or non-disclosure agreement.

Brooks Hilliard is active in several professional associations and societies and is committed to upholding their associated Codes of Ethics, as indicated below.

Institute of Management Consultants (IMC USA)

Brooks Hilliard Brooks Hilliard is the past Chairman of the Ethics Committee for the IMC USA and continues to serve as a member of the Ethics Committee. As a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), he subscribes to the IMC-USA’s Code of Ethics that covers issues relating to clients, engagements, understandings related to fees and professional conduct.

The Institute of Management Consultants, the US chapter of an international professional organization, is an independent association, not sponsored by any consulting firm. As such, it is the only industry-wide unaffiliated certifying authority for the management consulting profession.

Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP)

Brooks Hilliard, as a Certified Computing Professional (CCP), subscribes to the ICCP’s Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct and Good Practice. These codes cover client relationships, professional conduct, conflicts of interest, competence and other ethical issues.

The Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals is an international certifying body sponsored by twenty-five major domestic and international computer professional associations. It is the only independent certifying authority for computing professionals that is not part of any computer products or services company.


IEEE (pronounced “Eye-triple-E”) is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology. Brooks Hilliard is a member of the IEEE and subscribes to its Code of Ethics, which covers the technical and professional responsibilities of those in the technology industries.

Forensic Expert Witness Association (FEWA)

The Forensic Expert Witness Association is a US-based association of consultants providing forensic services. Brooks Hilliard is a member of FEWA and subscribes to its Code of Ethics, which covers fair, equitable and ethical practices among all who are engaged in the practice of forensic consulting.


Independent Computer Consultant Association (ICCA)

The Independent Computer Consultant Association is a professional organization for business information technology consultants who provide business analysis, strategic planning, IT infrastructure, web/software development, and other consulting services. Brooks Hilliard is a long-time member of the ICCA and subscribes to its Standards and Practices and its consulting Code of Ethics.