Computer and Management Consulting Services

Business Automation provides the following information technology consulting services:.

  • Computer feasibility studies and technology planning.
  • Selection of networked and multi-user computer systems and intranets, including both software and hardware.
  • Mediation/resolution of disputes between computer buyers and computer companies.
  • Selection of data and voice communications systems.
  • Computer system contract negotiation.
  • Professional speaking engagements for association and corporate meetings.
  • Business-to-business internet strategy consulting.
  • Industry forecasts and reports for business.

Brooks Hilliard is president of Business Automation Associates, Inc., and is one of fewer than 15 consultants in the world to have been awarded the globally recognized certifications in management consulting (Certified Management Consultant) and information technology (Certified Computing Professional).

Business Automation does not provide programming services, sell computer hardware or software, or do anything else which could lead to a conflict of interest in the selection of a computer system. Please visit the Business Automation consulting website for information about these consulting services.  Complete information on the Business Automation’s consulting services can be found at the firm’s consulting web site.