Barry Schnur

Barry Schnur is an Associate Consultant with Business Automation, specializing in data recovery and computer networking. In his consulting capacity with the firm, Mr. Schnur has participated in numerous projects in both the expert witness/consulting and information systems areas. In addition to his work with Business Automation, he has an independent client base for whom he does needs analysis, system configuration, applications support and computer network (i.e., Novell Netware, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP) support.

Mr. Schnur is an experienced user of the most sophisticated state of the art forensic data recovery and analysis software. He has used this capability to recover and inspect lost and deleted data from dozens of Intel-based personal computers. When inspecting computer systems for forensic purposes, Mr. Schnur’s techniques are both time-efficient and completely non-destructive. His initial data recovery procedure is the creation of an exact duplicate of the subject computers’ stored data, after which he returns the computers to their exact pre-inspection condition without having made any changes to the resident data itself. The duplicate data is preserved, as created, for evidentiary purposes and it is that data that is used for all recovery and inspection procedures.

Prior to entering the consulting profession in 1994, Mr. Schnur had been employed in a number of business and computer positions by two of Arizona’s largest high-tech employers. In addition to his consulting activities, Mr. Schnur formerly served as a Sysop for Novell Corporation, where he provided technical support on several network products. He is also a past officer and Board member for the Phoenix PC Users Group and has been a presenter at industry conferences including the 1998 Brainshare Conference, 1996 Networld Conference and 1994 Borland Annual International Conference. He has edited and authored technical articles for several of the most respected technical publishers, including Cobb Publications, Sybex Publications and Que Publications.

Mr. Schnur is a 1973 graduate of Yale University and has completed course work toward Masters degrees in both History and Business Administration.

Born and raised in the Northeast, Mr. Schnur now resides with his wife in Phoenix, Arizona.

Click here for a professional biography in PDF format.